Is a march to sue for shooting down a Ukrainian plane necessary and expedient?
Critique of the objections and problems of the association board and solutions
Shahin Moghaddam
- Explicitly, no. The purpose of the march is to influence the government's decision. The marches and street protests were before the official announcement of the position by the government, not after it.
Inviting politicians, except for their colorful and rigid display of responsibility and media propaganda for them, has no positive benefit for the family, which puts the government in a superior position without being accountable and accepting responsibility.
- A lawsuit is not possible without the overthrow of this criminal regime, and this slogan of the association itself is an example of negotiation !!
At a glance, the advocacy campaign has had many weaknesses in gaining Canadian public opinion. Its main weakness was that it failed to show what the Canadian government should have done and what it had failed to do. Much work has been done in this area. It is quite right to argue with the representatives of the opposition parties. But this lack of work should be noted by organizing protests in front of the offices of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Roads and Transportation of Canada. People in Canada need to be aware of the government's inaction, and the staff has done little in this regard. Know that Canadians do not need to know about our problems with Iran in their programs and marches.
- Of course, I agree with the march to get the support of Canadians. In my opinion, the families did the right thing by showing their power in front of the government and by showing that they can at least attract the Iranian public opinion and then the Canadian public opinion. If this was the case, why are the statements and speeches in Persian ?! Is the target community Iran or the people of Canada? But in general, where and how to use this privilege is a key point. Unfortunately, to date, the staff has burned all its leaves!
- I see the problem in the fact that they push from below with conservative demands. The pressure from below should be with maximum demands. In negotiation, demands can be raised and low, but when we put pressure on the bottom, we have to bring maximum pressure through maximum demand. For example, when we want to overthrow the regime, we may be satisfied with the dissolution of the Revolutionary Guards. But if we only discuss the reform in the IRGC from the beginning, we will not get the same reform.
- Government officials should be face to face with the family and in a position of accountability. Not a companion and talker. And having a tribune. The delegation has practically deprived them of responsibility and accountability by creating associations with government officials.
Know that the Government of Canada has specific legal obligations to its citizens that we do not need to thank.
- These street protests should have taken place during the negotiations, that is, a year ago, when the esteemed delegation and Mr. Ismailiun himself always opposed. Either they deemed the time inappropriate or they announced that this government is doing the right thing and it is not permissible to protest.
- Certainly, in this impasse created due to the wrong and scandalous policies of the association, the best way to cover up these demonstrations and shows is to cover them. And also refrain from correct scientific and practical solutions and policies.
- Now families need experienced counselors to get ready to get out of this rubble on the landing. Legal solutions to pressure and confront this hypocritical and deceitful government. Not by marching and giving more concessions to the government and by inviting government officials.
- The march should now be done with the Kurdish back to the politicians and right in front of the Prime Minister's Office. So that he will have to answer directly and explicitly in this election situation.
- How long does this board insist on wrong decisions? Weakness and lack of political experience and self-determination continue to linger.
- This march is not done at the right place and time. And it will not benefit the families except burning a nut?
What was the achievement of the Montreal March? Except filling TV network programs!
- The association should announce its position in this demonstration as well as in the subsequent marches, the same position of the Ontario court. Read unintentionally. But in order to unite the maximum force, it is possible to move forward with the above proposal that the association issue a statement stating the position of the Ontario court and asking the government and representatives to approve the position of the Ontario court.
- If the Association does not want to make a statement denying the Canadian government, which I think is very wrong because Canadian society will not notice the government's shortcomings, at least in a statement relying on the Ontario court ruling and Ms. Agnes Clamard's report calling for the Ontario court ruling The intentional shooting of the plane should be done unless the Iranian government proves otherwise by providing evidence.
- Mr. Ismailion's staff and person did not support the complaint of Me and Mehrzad Zarei from the beginning and even resorted to negative propaganda by giving the wrong address to the families. That this complaint only ends in compensation. If this was not the case, and as it turned out, we first condemned the killers and the perpetrators and confirmed that the shooting of the Ukrainian plane was intentional and terrorist.
- The association made a big mistake that did not come behind the Ontario court. I talked to families several times about healing. Unfortunately, due to misinformation from the board, the families thought that the Ontario court was only concerned with compensation. While I explained that the first stage of this trial is about being intentional or unintentional, and if it rules in favor of the families, it is a great and historic victory. The Ontario tribunal has been a huge achievement, not just for families but for all plaintiffs, and it should now be cited more and questioned by the Canadian government, which does not even care about Ontario court rulings. I am fully aware that the Ontario court's ruling was not based on "no doubt" but on a "balance of probability" and therefore cannot be relied on in criminal courts. But instead of "wrongly" in Iran's aviation estimates, it has rightly pointed to the deliberate and terrorist nature of the crime. This is a point that is missing from the forensic report and has been denied for virtually no reason.
- The next case is about the contract of the board with the lobbying company Sussex. Wouldn't it be better to use more powerful and free companies and associations for consulting, such as the C-CAT group, which even has an official representative in the government, instead of a costly contract with Sussex for lobbying and consulting?
- These are nothing but tolerance, rudeness and giving the wrong address by the staff to the families.
- This delegation was even opposed to taking sides against the IRGC and the Magnetsky list from the beginning and calls it a political orientation. It even refuses to name names like Ali Khamenei and condemn them.
- The lack of an official lawyer and a well-known political advisor has prevented the delegation from reaching the slightest result in any of its meetings with the government, without exception. These things do not and will not go on with mourning and declaration of misery. For example, in a question-and-answer session with the Chairman of the Canadian Transportation Security Agency (Katie Fox) in Parliament in the presence of members of Parliament and the President and Representative of the Prime Minister and Representative of the Canadian Counter-Terrorism Organization, all well-known politicians Are the families involved? Let's take a closer look at the list of people who participate in meetings and negotiations with the government on behalf of their families. Are these all our capabilities? If this is the end of the road is clear from the beginning. Wasn't the presence of an experienced official lawyer necessary and not ?! Isn't it better to use people outside the families as agents and even involved in affairs? Where does it come from that the decision maker is one with the executor and the employee ?! But, wouldn't it be better to use different committees using volunteers to advance the work, instead of the name of the board of directors and the chairman and subordinate? As my experience shows.
- The use of inexperienced consultants and factional action has caused the association to date to not have the slightest achievement in shooting down a Ukrainian plane.
- The lack of a formal lawyer has caused great confusion for families. There are still many who are even unaware of their legal rights. And they are not aware of the legal issues of the case at all. They do not know at all the difference between the Hague Tribunal and the Criminal Court!
- After a year and a half, the board has not even been able to provide assistance to the financial needs of the survivors from the government.
- Instead of holding a march long ago, it was necessary for this delegation to prepare a detailed and comprehensive report on the shooting down of a Ukrainian plane and publish it internationally. Which is still not realized !!
- The lack of a proper and decisive reaction by the Board against the decisions of the government, has imposed the views of the Government of Canada on the Association and has been, and from the beginning has put the Association in a position of weakness. For example, why is the final report of the Forensic team used as a document on the official website of the government? If it is stated in the text of this report that it has no legal value and can not even be presented to legal authorities.
Mr. Ismailiun, is the case going to the International Court of Justice other than just to resolve financial disputes? Is the presence of the Brotherhood message other than resolving the issue financially? Why do you raise the issue of the Hague tribunal in the public mind as if it were a criminal or criminal tribunal? No, this court is only for resolving financial disputes.
- I found it necessary to give a brief explanation about the message of the Brotherhood, which is the happiness of the board of the association. At first, his position was that the shooting was unintentional. And he said in a meeting with Mark Arnold that do not complain, you will not succeed and you will break all the families. Ukraine even rejected his request for assistance and participation in the case.
What is the position of the association and the legal solution of the board against the official announcement of Ms. Loki and government ministers not to start a criminal investigation in Canada?
- The Government of Canada announced on June 11 that it has refused to cooperate with the Government of Ukraine in the criminal investigation. It turns out that Canada has since decided not to conduct a criminal investigation into this crime, because it wanted to declare it unintentional and without prior plan.
- The Canadian public should be aware that the Canadian report and its conduct have posed a threat to families, and we hold the Government of Canada accountable for any risk that threatens the lives of families. The message must be spread everywhere that the Government of Canada, by publishing its report, has indirectly called on the Government of the Islamic Republic to assassinate and threaten families, as the sole plaintiff in this case, because in practice by unintentionally declaring this crime, its own hand Has washed away the litigation and clarification of the facts and has left the families as the only plaintiffs against the Islamic Republic.
- Now that the government and the Minister of Canada have officially announced their demands in this way, what is the legal reaction of the esteemed delegation? The realization of Iran's right is required to implement all of the following:
• Public apology
• Provide a full report of the causes and factors that led to the crash.
• Returning victims' belongings
• Ensure that measures are taken to prevent future falls
• Ensure the completion of a comprehensive review of Iran's air defense system and safeguards to prevent attacks on civilian aircraft
• Ensuring transparent criminal prosecution of perpetrators
• Compensation to compensate for the damage caused by the fall.
The Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, along with other countries that are members of the International Coordinated Response Team, are also seeking compensation from the Islamic Republic of Iran for the downing of Ukraine's PS752 international flight. ) from the original text of the Minister's letter(
- What is the legal solution of the delegation for the intervention of the UN Security Council? As my servant, with the help of my friends, by registering the official petition No. 3083 to the parliament, we asked to refer the investigation to the Security Council. Of course, here too the board tried to mislead the public by giving the wrong address. That Russia and China will "veto" this. If this is a request only for investigations and not decisions by the Security Council, the veto will not be discussed at all!
- Of course, in principle, the board first struggled and opposed any activity by others and showed it weakly.
Shouldn't the Board pay and use the Ontario court ruling as the greatest achievement to date? And of course, the important question remains why only 4 people participated in this very important complaint !?
Ontario court ruling was not just for compensation. But the Canadian government has not said that it is negotiating on this issue. So he can also invoke this sentence. Why didn't he ?! But Canada's forensics report is higher than the Ontario court's ruling, citing evidence, and why a forensic team, not even as credible as a judge, could be cited by Canada for its negotiations. It should be noted that the report of the Canadian forensic team wrote that it has no validity in the opinion of the court and should not be used. That is, the report itself has declared less credibility than the Ontario court.
Shouldn't the delegation, citing a court ruling, ask the government to declare the survivors veterans and victims of terrorist attacks and martyrs?
Does the delegation have a plan to pressure the government to cede land and build a memorial to the massacre?
- Does anyone even know about the programs of this group ?! Where is that strategic plan and its specific mechanism? Can all these issues be resolved through marches and demonstrations? What is the reason for inviting people and this theater other than the play ?!
- Although the biggest and only achievement of this group is the ruling of the Ontario court, but until today, the loved ones did not give a tribune to the servant and the relevant lawyer to speak at all, but the clashes were completely directional and violent. So much so that in the same march in question on August 5, my request for a 3-minute speech was rejected by Mr. Ismailion !!
Families should know that just as indigenous people, without changing the government, forcing them to apologize, this shows how to act. The Canadian government invaded Oka 30 years ago and sent troops to suppress them. But the natives were able to make Canadian society their own by showing the calamities that befell them. It has always been our habit as Iranians, instead of relying and organizing pressure from below, to hold a box of sweets and go and see the authorities instead of forming an organization and fighting. Friends, some people in Iran have come like this. Kissing at the top, negotiating at the top, instead of fighting at the bottom, negotiating at the top. It is a reflection of the culture that the association thinks it can change in its favor by kissing the government. If the same experiences so far have shown that this kiss above, the negotiation above will not work. Criticism of this policy should encourage the policy of struggle at the bottom to replace the negotiation at the top with their own method.
- I think the Association should learn from the Native Canadians and replace the "praise at the top, negotiation at the top" policy with the "pressure from the bottom, negotiation at the top" policy. In this policy, we must show the Canadian public that we have been wronged by openly opposing the government's policies in this case. We need to learn from the Indigenous people, that the pressure is from below by showing how the Canadian government has failed, and by showing this failure, to gain their support.
Does anyone in Canada know how the Canadian government has done injustice to families by endorsing the Islamic Republic's report and acknowledging that it was not a deliberate crime? Why didn't we hold a demonstration in front of the State Department that published this report to show what the Canadian government was doing wrong? Why do we listen to consultants whose job is to lobby above. Why not learn from Native Canadians and their victories? Or why did we not march in front of the Prime Minister's Office?
- The association has so far used the "praise at the top, negotiate at the top" policy against the Canadian government, which should be turned into the "pressure from the bottom, negotiation from the top" policy. I did not even accept the demonstration in front of ICAO. Because the protests should be against the Canadian government and to enlighten the Canadian people, who have not even filed a formal complaint with ICAO. Unfortunately, the Association of Families has accepted advice on the same culture common among Iranians, who instead of fighting at the bottom and organizing the people, always try to praise the upper class and do not believe in pressure from below. Above, he thinks the Liberal government takes pity on him and abandons its grand policies, which are always in line with those of the Democrats in America, and obeys their wishes. In order to change the policies of the liberal government, they must rely on informing the public about its shortcomings and its policy of appeasement with the Islamic Republic, and through the levers of this pressure, negotiate above to advance the demand. That's why I think families should first learn during this process that they need to change their policies.
- Now no one in Canadian society knows that the Canadian government's forensic report was nothing more than an Iranian report and even rejected the UN report, which was written in opposition to the Ontario court ruling, which is completely unprofessional and political. This report was written only in the continuation of the Vienna Conference as a carrot to tame the Islamic Republic, which resulted in the sale of the lawsuit and the blood of Canadians for the political purposes of the government. This was also the case during the murder of Zahra Kazemi. For this reason, my clear suggestion again is that the families should demand basic demands from them by announcing a demonstration in front of the Prime Minister's Office.
- It is only in the shadow of these changes that the association can gain the trust of families and show that it can and is able to organize a comprehensive struggle to achieve their desires. Of course, this is a process during which the current policies of the association will be identified. If these moves can show their effects, the association will practically realize its policy mistakes and even reconsider its advisors.
- Even in yesterday, August 5, the Association's stance was in stupid endorsement of the Canadian government to date! Everywhere the association says that its priority is to clarify this crime. The association believes that this was a deliberate crime and has stated it explicitly in its positions. This association's compromise with the Government of Canada should be strongly opposed.
- It should be noted. Most families were not politically active. They do not know the mechanism of socio-political activity. They still do not know that we have to fight at the bottom and negotiate at the top based on low mobilization. I am sure that due to the radicalism that exists among the families, these wrong consultations will be isolated and the families will find in the experience the correctness of the right consultations. Families still have a long way to go ...
- Unfortunately, they give wrong advice, which is not right. These advisers have popularized the idea that if the Canadian government is criticized, it will go against the families. This is very wrong advice. Take another look at the struggles of Indigenous Canadians against the Government of Canada. They have never been willing to give thanks, they have always been rightly criticized, and the Canadian government has to back down every day. It must be countered that the Canadian government can be forced to do something without pressure and only with praise. They have to take public opinion by exposing its inefficiency, by exposing its compromises, by exposing that it wants to compromise with Islamic criminals and auction off the blood of Canadians, then the Canadian government will have to do something under this pressure. Another misconception of the association has been that the Canadian government should not be criticized, because we need the help of the Canadian government to bring this complaint to The Hague. This is completely wrong. No political party is willing to submit to the will of some without pressure from below. This approach should be criticized.
- In the end, I would like to say that I have been repeatedly condemned for insulting and confronting an association that has not achieved the slightest achievement to date. And many politicians believe that he just walks with his ears and eyes closed. But where? I hope this community will end well. I do not need this congregation to be accused of cases for position, position and property. I have a sentence for criminals. And I recorded the results next to this sentence, unique and inaccessible to the staff.
- Finally, I have a complaint and that is that I asked the delegation not to use the image and the patient and true credit for their own purposes, like the Montreal ceremony. There are 174 other loved ones in flight who can carry the image of one of them on their shoulders! And keep the patience of the patient and the true and do not enter their games.