By Mark Pavilons, Editor
As experts from around the world pore through Iran’s final report on the downing of Ukrainian Flight 752, evidence is mounting about the fatal errors and omissions made in this criminal act. Canadian officials and victims’ family members are casting doubt on Iran’s investigation into the destruction of Ukrainian Airlines Flight PS752 after it concluded the aircraft was shot down due to human error. Safety investigators from Iran’s civil aviation authority concluded the Boeing 737-800 passenger plane was shot down accidentally in January 2020 after being “misidentified” by an air defence unit as a “hostile target.” All 176 passengers and crew members – including 138 people with ties to Canada – died in the crash. Schomberg’s Andre Milne, of Unicorn Aerospace, has been investigating the crash since day one, with the blessing of the Ukrainian government. Milne calls it a “premeditated” SAM attack on civilian Flight PS752 after takeoff outside Tehran. The reason? To subvert an inevitable U.S. military counter strike against Iran by the creation of a spontaneous “human shield” made up of dozens of foreign government officials who all started flying into Iran 5 hours after the initial IRGC SRBM attack on U.S. and Canadian forces in Iraq. The government of Iran, he argues, has subsequently attempted to cover up this “premeditated mass murder by concealing and or destroying evidence,” while attempting to blame the crash as a result of an engine fire, until the United States Space Force released satellite intelligence of an IRGC missile strike against PS752, leading Iran to fabricate a second and now a third set of entirely separate explanatory claims in regard to this incident. After reading through the final report from the Aircraft Accident Investigation Board of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Milne found many inconsistencies. He said four separate flights departing the same airport entered into the 25-kilometre radar detection perimeter of the missile battery. All civilian airliners transmit transponder signals to identify themselves and Milne noted no fewer than 168 signals were transmitted, detected and identified during this time. Flight PS752 entered this same perimeter and broadcasted at least 18 signals, and “all would have been detected and identified as all having originated from a civilian airliner” by the Iranian TOR M1 ADU Further, he said the Iranians noted that a “ghost detection radar signal” was identified as heading from the south west towards the IRGC TOR M1 ADU that was deemed as a threat. Simultaneously, the IRGC claimed the actual PS752 that Milne identifies as ghost 2 was not detected and or tracked as approaching the TOR M1 ADU and yet the real flight was still targeted and struck with two missiles, all while the same TOR M1 ADU was allegedly trying to track and target the first ghost threat 23 kilometres away in an entirely different direction. In his findings, Milne pointed out the TOR M1 missile system has two separate radar systems, one for detection and one for targeting. The Iranians claim the system was “misaligned” but Milne notes the radar detection system is equipped with an ICAO standard IFF antennae that automatically receives any and or all civilian aircraft transponder broadcast signals. The TOR M1 system, he said, can’t be “misaligned” as it is a highly mobile vehicle that detects targets from a continually rotating antenna that is installed on top of a directionally controlled launch tracking radar. Milne has provided graphic, satellite images with projected paths, locations and timelines that all back up his claims. Milne says: “It was after locating ground zero from where the TOR M1 was positioned to attack PS752 and confirming that a Turkish airliner passed directly overhead this exact TOR M1 ADU and was ‘not’ fired upon sealed it for me that this was a premeditated mass murder of innocent civilians by the IRGC.” Milne said the head Ukrainian prosecutor has welcomed his input and findings. Milne is adamant the evidence alone as to what Iran did at the PS752 crash site crime scene would have Iran convicted for crimes against humanity at the international criminal court. Milne argues “the Rome Statutes Article, 8 War Crimes Sections, make it crystal clear that Iran’s attacking PS752 and then bulldozing away all the evidence with next to no human remains being accounted for, legally constitutes as pillaging the area that was attacked.” The Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims strongly rejects the submissions of Iran in its final technical report on the downing of Flight PS752, “which appear to be mere fabrications and a continuation of a lie. The contents published in this report, as with their previous reports, contain countless inconsistencies and are grossly inadequate to justify Iran’s claims about the causes of the downing. “Given all available information, the families of victims cannot accept Iran’s claims that Flight PS752 was shot down due to a human error or that it was mistaken for a cruise missile. The available evidence, as well as inconsistencies in Iran’s claims, point to the opposite direction: that Flight PS752 was shot down intentionally.” Nobleton’s Shahin Moghaddam helped start the association, after he lost his wife and son in the tragedy. Just this week, Iran media reported the government has indicted 10 people in connection with the crash, but failed to provide names or details.