PS752 Justice: Mehrzad Zarei Confronts Trudeau on His Broken Promise to Get Justice for the Downing of Flight PS752
PS752 Justice: Mehrzad Zarei Confronts Trudeau on His Broken Promise to Get Justice for the Downing of Flight PS752 August 29th, 2021 The father of one of the youngest victims of Flight PS752 confronted Prime Minister Trudeau on his commitment to get justice for the victims families. ICHR is calling on the Liberal government and all candidates running in the 2021 Federal Election to commit themselves to fight for justice for PS 752 families and refrain from making empty promises to get a majority in the house. PM Justin Trudeau must act unambiguously to support families of victims as, in the past, he has made promises to do. . 19 Months has passed since the Islamic Regime in Iran, in a clear act of terrorism, with two missiles, shot down Flight PS752 with 176 passengers on board. A deliberate act of terrorism that took 176 innocent lives and today the government of Canada is still playing games with justice instead of pursuing it. The families are wounded, frustrated and tired of waiting for justice. PM Trudeau was finishing up the second week of this campaign that ends on election day on Sept. 20, rolling out promise after promise of what a re-elected Liberal government would possibly do. Merzhad Zarei was there to remind him of another promise, the one he made months after the 2019 election. Zarei’s 18-year-old son Arad was on board the Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 on January 8th 2020, when it was deliberately shot down minutes after take-off from Tehran’s Airport. As the incumbent Prime Minister turned his head, Merzhad Zarei shouted from behind his mask “You promised!” After the Ontario Supreme Court ruled the downing of PS752 was deliberate and an act of terrorism, in a legal case that Mr Zarei is one of the complainants, the Canadian Forensic Report and PM Trudeau stated it was not intentional, and sided with the criminal government in Iran. Canada stands in solidarity with the PS752 victims’ families, however this government does not take any serious actions in the pursuit of justice. Most of the families who speak up, demand Canada condemn IRGC and the Iranian government officials for killing their loved ones by applying the Magnitsky Act sanctions, listing IRGC as a Terrorist entity, and taking the case to the international Criminal Court and UN Security Council. Canada should boycott and sanction corrupt officials of the Islamic Republic, support the families’ and support the ruling of Ontario Superior Court of Justice. ICHR stands alongside in solidarity with the families of the Flight PS752 victims in continued pursuit of justice, and demands the government of Canada take serious actions to ensure the victims receive the justice they deserve, instead of delaying accountability for this atrocity with political games.